SPD Retirees - From President Marcely - 3 JAN:
I've received a few questions about an item that appeared in the news regarding the government pension offset on social security payments. This does not apply to any of us (as far as I know). This only applies to people who are collecting both a government pension and social security payments AND did NOT pay FICA (Social Security) tax while working for said government. I don't know of anyone of our members that that applies to.So, relax, our social security payments are not affected by that (maybe by other factors such as increased Medicare payments).
Old Business
- Brief discussion on situation with St. Joseph’s Hospital & Physicians groups. As of 1 JAN 25, St. Joe’s will be considered as out-of-network by AETNA, Excellus and Humana. Options are to pay full amount and get partial reimbursement or change doctors. PBA President Joe Moran is in regular contact with City over this as it affects both active and retired members. Pres. Marcely will advise of any further developments.
- Executive Vice President Jim Glavin spoke about SFD receiving $400,00o to refurbish fireman’s memorial in Fayette Park. State Sen. Rachel May secured a $300,000 grant for the project. Exec-VP Glavin and SPD D/C Trudell have been in contact with City regarding WORK THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE ON Police Memorial. So far construction and upkeep have been paid for by Retirees Assoc. & PBA donations.
New Business:
- Retiree’s Day is scheduled for Wednesday, 04 December 2024. The day will be held at the Valley Legion. Coffee will be served at 0900 hrs., guest speakers will begin at 1000 hrs, followed by lunch catered by Limp Lizard.
- Basket Day will be held on Thursday, 19 December, 2024. Deliveries will begin at 0900 hrs. from Green Hills Grocery. 175 baskets are expected to be distributed.
- SPD’s “Shop with a Cop” will be held on Saturday, 14 December 2024.
- Elections for the Executive Board and Board of Directors were announced by President Marcely. The nominations for both boards is as follows:
- Executive Board:
- .. President > Mike Marcely
- .. Vice President > Steve Thompson
- .. Executive Vice President > Jim Glavin
- .. Recording Secretary > Jim Casamento
- .. Treasurer > Jack Schmidt
- .. Correspondence Secretary > Dan Malay
- .. Sgt At Arms > John Tierney
- Board of Directors
- .. Gary Peak, John Briggs, Tony Sobon, Dan Corbett, Laura Walker, Bill Mulroy, Teri Lore
- There were no other nominations. Election Chairperson Brother Bill Rybak directed Secretary to cast one unanimous vote for nominees.
Health & Welfare:
NEXT RETIREES MEETING: 29 Jan 2025 - 1900 hrs
Phyllis Lorenz - "To help others who experience the loss of their spouse, attending calling hours, help with paperwork or anything else that may be needed. We can assist in finding painters, handymen, contractors & yard work.
You can contact Phyllis via email at phylgeorge@aol.com

Det. Cowan has been assigned to our Officer Wellness position full-time. He wants to share the Cordico Officer Wellness program which provides our retirees an opportunity to utilize the App for officer wellness. If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact Det. Cowan at 315-748-0854.
The app is: https://www.cordico.com/syracuse-police-department/
..... AIR 1 FOUNDATION .....

Please help keep Air 1 flying.
The Air 1 Foundation website (Facebook)
- For information regarding help with your heating costs, click here
- Onondaga County Dept of Adult & Long Term Care.. 315.435.3355
- Info regarding Caregiver Services, EISEP, HEAP, HIICAP, Community Service, Adult Protective Services, Mental Health Services, Veterans Services
- SPD retirees are reminded that they MUST sign up for Medicare Part A & B when they become eligible
- That is when they reach age 65 or are declared disabled by Social Security.
- At that point, Medicare becomes your primary health insurance and the City's health plan becomes secondary
- See United Health Care Section below
- Our advice (both the local and state organizations) is DO NOT sign up for Part D-prescription coverage at this time.
- If your former employer has prescription coverage, there is NO PENALTY to sign up later. Plus, employers are encouraged by the federal government to keep their prescription coverage. They can receive up to 28% reimbursement for their expenses.

- Would you like to donate your time for a great cause and share your expertise with others?
- The National Law Enforcement Museum offers several volunteer opportunities to fit your experience and your schedule. Visitor Experience Volunteers welcome visitors, provide general information about the Museum and help guests plan their journey through the exhibits. Event Volunteers help with special events, such as National Police Week and the Run for the Badge 5K. Volunteer Educators help lead high-quality, visitor-centered tours of the Museum’s collections and exhibits. Are you a current or former law enforcement officer? We have important volunteer opportunities for you, too. Law Enforcement Volunteers share their expertise with visitors and help them see what walking in the shoes of an officer is really like.
- To learn more about the volunteer program, please visit the Museum's volunteer opportunities page.

- After creating an account, you will be able to conduct business with your NYS Retirement System without having to mail in forms or make a phone call
- Retirement Online has the same security safegaurds used for online banking to protect your identity
- For assistance signing up or help accessing your account you can call our Contact Center at 866.805.0990
- I strongly encourage you to join more than 150,000 NYSLRS retirees who have opened Retirement Online accounts
- Sincerely - Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli
- Click here for their website.
- We believe it only exempts retired officers from penalty of possessing large capacity magazines and/or assault type weapons if that retired officer was required to purchase that item by his agency when he was active as a Police Officer or was issued that item by his employer and allowed to keep it upon retirement. In both cases he must register that item within 60 days of retirement. Additionally he must have served at least 5 or more years with that agency and retired in good standing. He also must continually re-qualify with that weapon as required by law.
- Link to actual section of the law
- You are now required to recertify your pistol permit every 3 years.
- Here is the link to NYS Troopers website to check your status.
- Federal Law HR#218 allows retired police officers to carry firearms across state line
- IF..You have your retired ID with you AND proof that you have qualified with that type weapon within the last 12 months
- Any state firearms instructor may qualify you including any that may be found on our SPONSOR page
- ..An important aspect of Federal Law HR218 is to remember is that it IS NOT a Concealed Carry Permit
- ..It is an "Affirmative Defense" to a State charge of weapons possession and that must be raised and proven by the defendant. You lose this defense if you are under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance. If you have a Concealed Carry Permit, consuming alcohol does not invalidate the Permit, but consuming alcohol does invalidate your HR218 meaning you are subject to a State charge of weapons possession.
- ..New York Penal Law 265.03, is very clear; if you are convicted of this offense there is a mandatory minimum sentence of 3.5 year in prison
- .."A person is guilty of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the 2nd Degree pursuant to New York Penal Law 265.03(3) when that person possesses a loaded firearm (pistol, revolver, handgun, etc.) outside his or her home or place of business without a permit regardless of what the intent was".
- ..Under the laws of New York, loaded does not mean a clip in the gun or a bullet in the cylinder. If the firearm is capable of being loaded and the bullets are in the case with the gun or even in your pocket, you can still potentially be charged with this offense.
- ..Maintenance drugs (those you take all the time) MUST be by mail order in 90 day supplies.
- ..The original prescription and one refill from the local pharmacy is covered. After that point you will have to pay 100% or use the United HC.
- ..If your doctor is changing the dosage, that is a new prescription and can be filled at the pharmacy until the dosage is regulated
- Unique transmitter from the Onondaga County Sheriff's Office for Alzheimer's patients
- Contact the OCSD at 407 S State St - Syracuse - (315)435-3044
- SPD retiree survivors may continue your health insurance plan for a monthly payment.
- Contact City of Syracuse at 315.448.8788 or 315.448.8445 for pricing of individual or family plans.
- If your health insurance premium is automatically taken from your NYS pension, you may deduct the premiums from the taxable portion of your tax return. You must remember to write PSO; (Public Safety Officer) on the line where you report the taxable amount of your pension. This does NOT apply to Medicare Premiums because they do not come out of your state pension nor does it apply to your state tax form because state pensions are not taxable.
- If you are under 65 yrs of age Excellus is your insurance carrier
- If you are 65 and older: Aetna is your health insurance carrier.
- 65 and older: You MUST continue your current Medicare coverage & it's payment.
- 65 and older: Inform your medical provider to call the number on the back of your insurance card and not the providers usual number
- 65 and older: You need to notify your doctor/medical office to NOT submit their bill to Medicare but to the current insurance carrier
- Nothing has recently changed regarding what is covered or co-payments, pharmacy choice, etc.
- Covered under Part B of Medicare on the City of Syracuse Plan
- .. Flu shots, Diabetic testing strips (Lancets and test strips) and glucose meter. You can get both of these at the pharmacy.
- .. You can also get Diabetes testing supplies mail order.
- .. You may also receive the flu shot at the doctors office with your insurance card.
- If you ANY questions or issues contact City Hall: 315.448.8788 or 315.448.8445
- If you served 90 consecutive days (or one day wartime) in the US Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines you may be entitled to receive up to $6000 per month for a husband and wife towards nursing home expense or $1344 for assisted living
- Contact the Veterans Administration for details
The below offer a discount/benefit to you because of your membership.

You may have a dental discount available .. 315.214.0004 - 5663 E Circle Dr, Cicero

He is offering his legal services, at a discount 315.427.5881 - 250 Harrison St, Syracuse