Pete Headd, Executive Director Onondaga County Office for Aging, is pleased to announce additional outreach events designed to assist seniors with applying for the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). HEAP provides limited subsidies for heating and utility costs. According to Pete Headd, “Central New York winters are always cold, no matter how much snow we end up getting. We will be visiting community centers, libraries and various other sites to reach seniors who need help paying their energy bills. HEAP assistance is available on a first come, first served, basis so applications should be filed soon.”
The Office for Aging will be holding these community outreach sessions to help Onondaga County seniors age 60, or older, and income eligible, apply for HEAP benefits. Appointments are not needed. Seniors who are unable to attend can call (315) 435-2362 and request that an application be mailed. Assistance will be offered at the following locations, dates and times.
Ellen M. McCauley, Public Information Specialist
Onondaga County Department of Adult and Long Term Care Services
(Aging, Mental Health, NY Connects, Protective Services, Veterans)
421 Montgomery Street - 10th Floor
Syracuse, NY 13202
Phone: (315) 435-2362 Ext. 4942; Fax: (315) 435-3129